2020年8月13日 星期四

【演講】Windows Malware 搜奇榜 Windows Hot 5


新的一年,攻擊從未停下!讓我們一起回顧 2020 上半年值得關注的 Windows 惡意程式吧!

此議程將藉由數個重要、極具討論度的惡意程式樣本,帶領企業與會眾由淺入深了解攻擊者的思維,並以個案觀察未來趨勢,探討其惡意行為和其中的 Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP),讓一般企業和有興趣的會眾透過本次平易近人的議程,迅速消化今年上半年度值得關注的惡意程式案件。

Windows Malware HOT 5

Let's review the most worth noting Windows malwares in 2019! This comprehensible talk will lead companies to understand the attacker's thinking through several important and highly discussed samples, and observe trends from individual cases to discuss their malicious behavior and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures ( TTP), allowing companies to quickly digest malware cases occurred in last year.

Threat Analysis & Protection Hackers & ThreatsCyber Criminal

CYBERSEC 2020 臺灣資安大會

