Ashley Shen 在 Black Hat Asia 2019 參加 "Women in Security Meet Up"!並做關於 HITCON GIRLS 的介紹

Black Hat Asia Women in Security Meetup 圓滿結束
活動一開始由 Ashley Shen 為大家介紹 HITCON GIRLS 成立的目的跟活動,來自美國現在居住在香港的 Mika Devonshire 接著和大家分享她過去在 DC 舉辦 CTF 的經驗,之後由日本來的 Asuka Nakajima 和大家介紹 CTF for girls 的活動,現場參加活動的女性除了有新加坡人,也有澳洲、中國、韓國、印度等地前來參加的會眾。
在最後的交流期間大家一起分享自己的經驗跟學習資源,有在新加坡創立兩家資安公司的,在大公司擔任分析師與顧問的,擔任 Training 講師的,也有在新創公司做滲透測試的,還有在印度打CTF的女孩們。
Black Hat Asia Women in Security Meetup - A Complete Success
The event started with Ashley Shen’s introduction to the goals and events of HITCON GIRLS; and follow by the sharing from Mika Devonshire, who is from the US and currently live in Hong Kong, to share her experience of organizing “CTF Ladies Capture the Digital World” in Washington DC area. Asuka Nakajima from Japan also share her successful “CTF for girls” events that held in Tokyo. Women attendees from different countries including Singapore, Australia, China, South Korea, India…etc, have all come together to exchange their experience and learning resources in the networking session. One of the women attendee founded 2 security companies in Singapore, some other women are consultant, analyst, speaker for training, pentester or CTF player. We are very happy to have this chance to meet with all these brillient women. We are looking forward to having more collaboration with them in the near future.
