2019年3月21日 星期四

【演講】AI 的逆襲,眼見真的為憑嗎? AI's Great Comeback,Is It More than Just Hype?

主講者: Turkey & Melody

      在這相信眼見為憑的世代中,聲音和圖像已然成為真理的基石。不僅記錄歷史,也構築成為我們對真實的感知。但事實真如我們所看、所聞嗎?隨著 AI 技術快速發展,Deepfake 造假技術不再高深,機器學習偽造臉部表情動作及聲音,製造幾可亂真的假影片散佈肆虐在媒體串流平台上,成為政治、詐欺或其他惡意目的武器,藉假新聞將資訊戰爭推至全新的水平。

Speaker: Turkey & Melody

For this generation that so readily believes what they see, sound and images have become cornerstones of truth. This not only applies to documented history, but it actually forms our current perception of reality. However, can we trust our eyes and ears to perceive reality? With the rapid advancement of AI, Deepfake technology is no longer considered extraordinary. Machine learning can artificially mimic facial expressions, human movements and natural sounds to create realistic-looking fake videos that could wreak havoc on online media platforms. This has dangerous potential as a weapon of information warfare for governments, scammers and other malicious actors. This will take fake news and information warfare to a whole new level.

轉載自 iThome 台灣資安大會2019